Monday, December 03, 2007

Porque No Te Callas!

I would like to congratulate the Venezuelan people for using their democratic powers to vote against dictatorship. At least 51% of the people in Venezuela don't want to be ruled indefinitely by a socialist thug. Hugo Chavez has been using oil money to try to bribe the people into making him dictator, but fortunately, not enough people could be bribed. Maybe this humiliation will humble the man (though I doubt it).


Catch Her in the Wry said...

Unfortunately I believe he will be in office until 2012 regardless of the election outcome.

Troy Camplin said...

Indeed. There's no telling what dirty tricks he may come up with in the future. I'm just happy with any victory of dictatorship.

RevJim said...

If Chavez is really following in the footsteps of his mentor, Fidel Castro, the next step for him will be a bloodbath, or, at least, mass inprisonment.