Monday, December 31, 2007

On Shameless Behavior and Hannah Montana

And now for the most disgusting item of the week: the mother who got her 6 year old daughter to lie in an essay about her father's death to win Hannah Montana tickets.

The mother is making the excuse that the contest rules did not specify that the story had to be true. However, the essay was supposed to be about "Why you deserve to win these tickets." Thus, when the essay says that her father died in Iraq, the girl was implying that she deserved the tickets because she was sad because her father died in the war. For that reason, the company holding the contest was right to take the tickets away. Naturally, the mother, being a completely shameless hussy, has threatened to sue.

A few thoughts:

This woman's address should be made public, and the children of fathers who actually did die in the war should all write her and her daughter telling them what it feels like to actually lose a father. Is it actually possible to shame the shameless? Perhaps not, but I do believe we should try our hardest to do so.

Along those lines, let's assume the woman does sue, and some immoral judge or jury give the girl the tickets. The company should then tell them that they will give the tickets in a ceremony, and when they show up for the ceremony, they should have the entire room filled with the children of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, who will then take turns introducing themselves to the woman and her child, and tell them their stories -- all before they can get the tickets.

All efforts should be made to shame this woman for what she did -- teaching her child that it is okay to lie and cheat to get what she wants. If I had the woman's address, beyond knowing that she lived in Garland, Texas, you may rest assured that I would post it here, so that people could do exactly what I recommend above. You might be able to get something to her if you address it to "Priscilla Ceballos," though "Conniving Bitch" might do. Does that violate her "right to privacy"? Not at all. I'm not the government.


Todd Camplin said...

Fiction is fun!

Anonymous said...

Well, I wrote her on Myspace letting her know what I thought about the situation (similar to what you said). She wrote back to me. This is what she said:

I guess she doesn't feel bad after what she did. My E-Mail was well thought out. It wasn't full of insults either. I don't know why she chose to respond like that.

Troy Camplin said...

Well, that only goes to show that she is, in fact, shameless.