Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good Riddance!

The worst thing to happen to the Republican party since Nixon, Dennis Hastert, is going to resign. He eliminated just about every Republican of worth from the House when he took over, and made the Republicans into such big spenders that they became impossible to differentiate from the Democrats. Now that the leader of the unprincipled Republicans is on his way out, can we get some principled ones? How about some people who never met a piece of un-Constitutional spending (almost all of the federal budget) he didn't hate? I mean, if we can't trust the Republicans with our money, why have them? (If the last election is any indication, the American people appear to agree with me on this.)

1 comment:

Jim Rongstad said...

Yes indeed good riddance! Growing up a Republican, voting for them and working on campaigns I was so hopeful after the 1994 elections. My disillusionment grew steadily until I finally left in 1998.

Only Ron Paul has me back in association with the GOP.

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