Monday, November 26, 2007

Anyone for Tea?

So far I haven't really said who I support -- or if it is a Republican, a Democrat, or an Other (though my readers may figure out which one it is probably not) -- for the Presidential nomination. That having been said, let me draw your attention to the following, recently released by the Ron Paul campaign:

If you thought Ron Paul's $4.2 million dollar day on November 5th was huge, just wait until December 16th! Pledge your support now and spread the word. Let's make $10 million in 24 hours!

"On December 16th, 1773, American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an oppressive tax. This December 16th, American citizens will dump millions of dollars into the Ron Paul presidential campaign to protest the oppressive and unconstitutional inflation tax - which has enabled a flawed foreign policy, a costly war and the sacrificing of our liberties here at home.

Please join us this December 16th 2007 for the largest one-day political donation event in history. Our goal is to bring together 100,000 people to donate $100 each, creating a one day donation total of $10,000,000.

Please pledge via feedburner below to confirm your commitment to donate. Each day you'll receive an email with our total number of subscribers. In this way we will know exactly where we stand in our efforts. Our goal is 100,000 subscribers.

Please pledge now. Please spread the word. Thank you."

Join the Tea Party!

I don't necessarily agree with everything Ron Paul supports, but I do agree with him on most issues more than I do any of the rest. There are even a few things I want to disagree with him on, but refuse to let myself do so by reminding me of the Ben Franklin quote, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." More, as history has shown repeatedly, they will end up with neither. And this is equally political as economic security.

1 comment:

Someone said...

I don't agree with Ron Paul on everything either, but I do support his campaign. Perhaps the biggest value might be to shake up the political status-quo. Can you imagine? Real, substantive debate for a change?