Saturday, December 01, 2007

Boycott Venezuelan Oil!

In a Democracy, you get the government you deserve.

Hugo Chavez: "If God gives me life and help,I will be at the head of the government until 2050!"

Hugo Chavez: "Venezuela is going to be a world power, no matter whom it hurts!"

These are the words of a dictator, of someone who plans to be a very dangerous, bloody dictator. Do you suppose that all the Leftists in Hollywood who have been bowing down at the feet of Chavez will condemn him when he becomes what he clearly plans to become? I doubt it. And I doubt that the media will call them out or even say much of anything when it does happen. Of course, it may not necessarily be our media's fault if they don't report much, since one of the reforms would end up "allowing the president to declare indefinite states of emergency during which the government could detain citizens without charge and censor the media."

So why is this happening? It's because of people like this woman:

"Chavez has become a father for us," said Xiomi Diaz, a 34-year-old farmer. "He's a father of the poor."

When a majority of people see the government -- or a single person in government -- as their father or their mother, you may guarantee that a socialist dictatorship is right around the corner.

I say Chavez can keep his oil. I'd rather pay higher prices at the pump than allow a single one of my dollars go to that evil man. And do not be mistaken, that money will be going to him and him alone, not to the people of Venezuela.


Patrick Ross said...

Chavez is a very frightening individual, but I fear we must call a spade a spade: it isn't as if we've never done business with his ilk before.

Then again, there's no time like the present to change that...

Troy Camplin said...

Like you said, no time like the present.

RevJim said...

Natan Sharansky should be required reading for everyone, especially The Case For Democracy
Chavez is just another example among many of the appeasement policy toward tyrants that has been going on at least since the Eisenhower administration.
In addition, the federal seizure of land and mineral rights has helped to keep us dependent on foreign oil, limiting our options in dealing with dictators for the sake of energy supply.

Troy Camplin said...

We should take a stand against Chavez for exactly the reason that we need to send a message about who we will and will not deal with. We have to stand up to tyrants -- even if it's only individuals who are doing so. Until they get rid of Chavez, I refuse to buy gas at a Citgo.