Thursday, August 07, 2008

Paris Hilton for President?

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Everybody else has it, so why not me? I do think it's funny that Paris Hilton was able to articulate a more coherent energy policy than Obama has been able to do. Apparently so do some Republican Congressmen, who should thank Paris Hilton for drawing some attention to their protest of Nancy Pelosi ignoring their calls for a vote on energy policy. The media has been completely ignoring them for days. Their incredible partisanship is getting incredibly disgusting. If the Democrats were holding a protest against a Republican-controlled Congress, the MSM would be covering it 24-7. This level of partisanship by the MSM is shameless.

But I seem to have gotten a bit off topic. With Paris Hilton articulating such a good energy policy, is it possible that Hilton and not Obama is the celebrity with the most substance? Not surprising, considering I have observed previously that Obama's speeches are almost entirely free of content. More so, Hilton is showing that she's more forward-thinking than Nancy Pelosi, who keeps bringing up the argument that it would take 10 years to get any oil which, even if true, is irrelevant. If gasoline prices doubled in the 2 years since she took over control of Congress, think of what it will be in 10 years without our adding any oil to the world supply. Her argument amounts to: since it won't help immediately, it won't help at all, ever. SOmeone who is that short-sighted has no business being in charge of anything. Paris Hilton WOULD make a better Speaker than Pelosi. Sadly, I just realized that's not quite the compliment to Paris Hilton I meant it to be.

To be honest, I've always appreciated Paris Hilton in an Andy Warhol kind of way, and I must say that this video only improves my opinion of her. This was exactly the right way to respond to the use of her image by the McCain campaign. Gotta love it.


Anonymous said...

While Paris would quite possibly make a better President than Bush, Obama, or McCain I'm not sure her energy policy is appreciably better.

She mentioned subsidizing domestic automakers, which isn't likley to go well. She failed to endorse drilling in ANWR, perhaphs because she han neglected to research the fact that it is larger than North Carolina, and drilling would be in a small, barren portion.

While it is good to come out against McCains attacks, I would have like to see her come out against the "Paris Hilton Estate Tax" and the state's micromanagement of her driving.

She also looks like she is under the 35 year minimum age.

Troy Camplin said...

Actually, it's not subsidies she come out in favor of, but tax breaks. I'm always in favor of tax breaks. Though I do agree it is a shame that ANWR wasn't mentioned.

Maybe next one she can mention the estate tax. Too bad about that Constitutional prohibition. Oh well. Guess I'll have to stick to voting for Bob Barr.

V said...

Thanks for posting that. Some pals had told me about it, but I couldn't find it. :)

Anonymous said...

I gotta tell ya, I was disgusted when I first heard that Paris Hilton made some sort of ad.

But then when I watched it, I was blown away. Thats good rhetorical critique of the political system.

Troy Camplin said...

It's a genius work of satire.

Anonymous said...

Paris obviously has some marketing savvy; she can turn anything into a PR boost for herself... thx to McCain’s miscalculation, she’ll be selling more cans of wine than ever

Troy Camplin said...

Actually, it wasn't a McCain miscalculation. He's managed to use HIlton's response to promote his own energy policy. In the meantime, all Obama's campaign has come up with is, "Oh yeah! Well . . . so are you!" How lame and pathetic.