Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Obama's Fictional History

So, despite the fact that Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops, and despite the fact that his mother was an only child, apparently, Obama's uncle, with U.S. troops, liberated Auschwitz . . . Unless he has an uncle on his father's side (remember that his father and his father's family is from Kenya) who fought in the U.S. army.

Honestly, this is so bizarre I don't even know what to do with it. Is he really going to get away with his kind of lie? My guess is: yes, he will.


Anonymous said...

The Dems have taken many many pages from their Orwellian playbook. He will get away with it because no media outlet will cover.

It is a blatent lie, and is blatent pandering.

We should all be VERY afraid of this man.

Troy Camplin said...

Agreed. Anything that sounds too good to be true, is.

Todd Camplin said...
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Todd Camplin said...

Off subject, I was watching a PBS documentory about Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge. So, it got me to look up on the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. Did you know Pot was exposed to Marx during his time getting education in Paris. If you want to see what the ideal Marxist society would look like, the Khmer Rouge gave it the old college try. So when someone says that they want to flatten societal hierarchies, start waiting for the body count.

Obama just said the wrong camp. The camp was Buchenwald. Although, more people know of Auschwitz.