Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Why Care?

Another radical question(ing): It is assumed that we should clothe and feed our fellow man when he cannot do so for himself (some go so far as trying to do so even when he can do so for himself). Why should we?


John said...

Because reciprocal altruism (with limits) increases a group's chances of survival?

Because suffering and squalor are ugly?

Because it's shameful to succeed while others fail?

Because giving to charity is good for the soul?

Because it's human nature to empathize with other people, and thus, to some extent at least, their pain also hurts us?

Of course, not all kinds of help are actually helpful, and some, like state-sponsored welfare or native reservations, may actually make more people suffer worse in the long run.

This reminds me of that computer program in Culture of Hope wherein the kind, inclusive red(?) dots ended up starving to death while the killer blue(?) dots created a sustainable ecology.

Troy Camplin said...

Why live in groups?

What makes it ugly?

Why is it shameful?

How and why is it good for the soul?

Now, on the last one, you may be on to something.

Todd Camplin said...

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Do or do not... there is no try
