Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's (Going to Be) a Boy!

It is official. We are having a boy. Now we just need to come up with a name. Preferably sometime before the middle of February. Until then, he's Cletus the Fetus.


brotio said...


I'm Brotio from the Cafe, and I'd be interested in reading your Sartre play. I work for a theater in Colorado, so it interests me to see what you've written. If you'd be interested in emailing a copy for me to browse, I'll forward my email addy to you.

Thanks, and congrats again for your good news!

Troy Camplin said...

That would be great. My email address is all over the internet, so I'll let you know why mine is, and you can email me at it, and I'll send you the play.

Troy Camplin said...

And thanks for the congrats!