Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quiz Time!

Okay, everybody, time for a quiz! (Everyone boos and hisses)

What political party historically believed in

free health care
guaranteed jobs
confiscation of inherited wealth
spending vast sums on public education
inserting the state into every nook and cranny of daily life
prohibiting smoking
supporting abortion
supporting euthanasia
supporting gun control
providing generous pensions for the elderly
maintaining a strict racial quota system in the universities
promoting campus speech codes
encouraging organic farming
promoting alternative medicine
animal rights
socialism, loathing the free market?


The Whited Sepulchre said...

Comrade !!!

Glad to have discovered your site.
That would be The National Socialist Worker's Party, aka The Nazis.

-Allen in Fort Worth, aka The Whited Sepulchre.

p.s. - Check out Jonah Goldberg's new book "Liberal Fascism" when you get a chance.

John said...

Here's a link to a video of Jonah Goldberg's appearance on the Daily Show:

Troy Camplin said...

Well, it's no fun if someone gets the right answer right away! :-)

BTW, where do you think I got the information for the quiz from?