Saturday, October 27, 2007

Unfair Sex Conviction Overruled

Genarlow Wilson has been freed by the state supreme court of Georgia, declaring his conviction "cruel and unusual punishment." And what kind of sense was there in the first place to bring charges against a 17 year old boy accused of having oral sex with a 15 year old? Weren't both of them underaged? Much has been made of the fact that this young man was an honor student, a football star and his high school's homecoming king and that he had been offered scholarships by several elite colleges before his conviction. But this conviction would be unfair even if none of that were true about him. But since it is true, and since he did lose out on such scholarships, I think the only fair thing would be for this prosecutor, who misused the law in Georgia -- according to the very lawmaker who wrot ethe law -- to pay for this young man's college education for as long as he wanted to go to college -- even if it led to a PhD., an M.D., or a law degree.

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