Sunday, October 21, 2007

Comrade Clinton

Don't be fooled that Hillary Clinton says in the same speech as the following quote that she supports free markets. Pay attention to her rhetoric. She's smart enough n ot to come right out and attack the free market directly. No, her approach is to use phrases like "shared prosperity" and to say things like the following: "We're not coming to you, many of whom are well enough off that actually the tax cuts may have helped you, and say "we're going to give you more." We're saying, "You know what, for America to get back on track and be fiscally responsible, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." " Did you read that last sentence? She is talking in the context of the tax cuts which resulted in a growing economy and more tax income (it's the spending that got out of hand, not the amount of revenues coming in going down too much), but look at that last sentence. What group uses rhetoric like "the common good"? And that's pretty direct: "we're going to take things away from you." I have little doubt that she will live up to her word on that.

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