Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nader Sues Democratic Party

Good for Ralph Nader for suing the Democratic Party and the Kerry campaign for what he believed were actions taken by them to keep him off the ballot to prevent his "taking votes away" from Kerry. The rules we have on the books in many states make it too easy for the two main parties to keep the elections to themselves. This is anti-democratic! So I hope Nader succeeds, so the American people will have more options. Some new ideas and untraditional candidates might also get people interested in participating in their government for a change.

But let's look forward to the future Presidential debates. It should be law that any candidate who can get his name on the ballot in all 50 states should be allowed in the debates. The current rules are designed merely to make it so that only the Republicans and Democrats are invited. My proposal has the benefit of solving the problem (really, excuse given) of letting everyone "running" on the ballot. I agree we should not necessarily let in every crank on the ballot in a state or two -- but if someone can manage to get on the ballot in every state, then they should be considered a serious candidate.

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