Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Standard of Justice

Individualism is the standard of justice.

Do you think a person is guilty just because they are African-American?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are a woman?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are man?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Hispanic?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are gay?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Christian
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are poor?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Chinese?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are rich?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are a business owner?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Muslim?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are of European descent?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are a scientist?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Southern?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Easterners?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Jew?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Leftists?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Rightists?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are liberals?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are conservatives?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Buddhist?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are an artist?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are transgendered?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are uneducated?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are college educated?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are Hindu?
Do you think a person is guilty just because they are a laborer?

If you don't, meaning you judge a person's guilt or innocence on what that particular individual did, then you act being just.

If you go through this list and agree with some and disagree with others, then you don't believe in justice at all. And you know it.  Because even if you disagree with some of the group distinctions in this list, you know for a fact that deciding guilt or innocence based on that group membership is unjust. How do you know that? Because you know that it would be unjust for you to have your guilt or innocence determined by your group membership.

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