Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Most Important Publication?

If number of citations in scholarly works is an indication of the importance of a piece, then my Pope Center piece Egypt's Revolution and Higher Education is by far the most important piece I have written. It has been cited in:

Daniel LaGraffe's "The Youth Bulge in Egypt: An Intersection of Demographics, Security, and the Arab Spring" in the Journal of Strategic Security.

Sevita Rama's "Remembering Their Role: Keeping Women Involved Post-Arab Awakening" in Journal of Women and Human Rights in the Middle East: A Change of Seasons for Arab Women? Issue 1, Fall 2013.

Michael Johnson's book Corruption, Contention, and Reform: The Power of Deep Democratization

Asef Bayat's book Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East

Charles R. Greer's presentation at TCU

These are the things I have managed to run across online. What are the odds there are more scholarly publications out there that cannot be found via a web search?

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