Thursday, June 24, 2010

Politics and Culture

Special Evolutionary Issue of Politics and Culture. Exciting stuff!


Some Guy said...

Sounds like Lionel Tiger's off his meds.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of politics and culture, the recent Avatar film was/is a very apt parable for our times.

At a very basic level the film was about the techno-barbarian "culture" of death versus the culture of life as lived by the Navi.

The techno-barbarians had already "created" a dying planet, and because of the inevitable logic of their power and control seeking meme, they had to invade other places---just as power mad Europeans have ALWAYS done--eg:

The above image is featured in The Pentagon of Power by Lewis Mumford.

By contrast the culture of the Navi was based on a felt pyschic sense of how everything is inter-related, and how all beings, and the environment too, are involved in a Process of mutual relationships.

It was therefore very interesting to observe the entirely predictable right-wing group-think response to the film---especially by those who pretend to be religious.

They all came out very loudly in support of the techno-barbarian "culture" of death.