Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let Me Point Something Out . . .

Pointing as a way of communicating is unique to humans. But responding to pointing, though absent in chimpanzees, is found in domesticated dogs and domesticated foxes, but not in wild wolves. It seems that domestication makes for detailed, specific communication. In 2004, in my dissertation, I argued that humans domesticated themselves, and that explained many of our features. May be this is more evidence to support that theory.


Todd Camplin said...

You should suggest this ins ome science journals. There plenty out there.

Troy Camplin said...

It's an idea that is out there, more or less. I talk about it, relate it to neoteny . . . but one would have to have some sort of physical evidence to write it up for a journal. More than just scholarly work, at least. Unless, perhaps, I write something up for the theoretical biology journal I get.