Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Support Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.'s 1st Amendment Rights Against the IRS!

Especially considering the Founding Fathers had originally made it illegal for the federal government to tax either property or income when they wrote the Constitution (something tragically reversed with the 16th Amendment -- the only Amendment to take away one of Americans' rights), it is highly doubtful that they would approve of the tax code that violates the 1st Amendment twice by making it illegal for preachers to support a candidate from the pulpit. Thus, I hope that Barack Obama's preacher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., fights anything that comes his way from the IRS all the way to the Supreme Court. He has the Constitutional right of freedom of speech, which cannot be violated even by an illegal law in the IRS code.

And don't give me that nonsense about separation of church and state. That works in only one direction: the government cannot set up a state religion and support it and it only. The 1st Amendment restricts the government from doing anything in regards to speech, religion, or freedom of assembly -- it does not mean that it works in the other direction. Any religious group has the Constitutional right to advocate anything and anyone they want, and should not face any kind of penalty from any government entity for doing so. Anyone who cherishes our 1st Amendment will stand up and defend Rev. Wright's right to preach anything he wants from the pulpit, including his support for Obama or anyone else.


Anonymous said...

So preachers against abortion should be taxed, because being against abortion is part of the Republican platform.


Troy Camplin said...

It's bound to go there, but for now that's off limits tax-wise because it's an "issue."

Jeff Faria said...

Actually, it's not just about churches. ANY registered, tax-free non-profit organization is not allowed to participate in elections, and that includes endorsing candidates.

Troy Camplin said...

Yes, I know that. My objection is against the law being applicable to churches. It is illegal.