Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Open Letter to the Millionaires and Billionaires Expressing Support for the Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Dear Millionaires and Billionaires Expressing Support for the Occupy Wall Street Protesters,

Why don't you hire us and shut up. You have money to invest, so invest it. Arguing for raising taxes on the rich will, as you well know, do nothing more than remove money from your competitors. There is nothing worse and more pathetic than envious rich people trying to get the government to take more money from other rich people just to make them worse off than yourselves. If you are a millionaire or billionaire who supports Occupy Wall Street, I have some debt -- including mortgage debt -- you could pay off for me which would free up a lot of money for me to spend in the economy. Do feel free to contact me, and I will tell you how large a check to write for me. Thank you.


Troy Camplin

1 comment:

Todd Camplin said...

You said it! Hire us or shut up, great way to sum it up.