Saturday, June 03, 2006

Qubit Processing and Strange Attractors

I recently read in Seth Lloyd's "Deprogramming the Universe" that quantum physical systems can compute at an exponential rate vs. linear computations. Compare this to the math I mention on Thursday, October 13, 2005, "How to Get Something (in Fact, an Entire Universe) From Nothing", where I show that the math for strange attractors is the same. I e-mailed Seth Lloyd and asked him the following:

Dear Dr. Lloyd,

Allow me first to introduce myself, so you can understand the spirit of the questions I wish to ask you, and the level of ignorance it necessarily comes out of. To begin with, I am not a mathematician, so please forgive whatever mathematical errors I will necessarily make – though the question is necessarily a mathematical one. I am an interdisciplinary scholar, with a background in the humanities (philosophy, literature and the arts), English, molecular biology and chemistry (Ph.D., M.A., and B.S. major and minor, respectively). I am particularly interested in complexity, systems, and information theories – and it is from these that I as my question.

In your book Programming the Universe, you describe the universe as communicating and registering binary bits. You also say that "the number of quantum searches required to locate what you’re looking for is the square root of the number of places in which it could be" (143). When I read this, it made me think of the following calculations I did for my dissertation, Evolutionary Aesthetics, taken from Stuart Kauffman’s formulae for calculating possible states of complex systems. Is this square root you mention in any way related to the calculation for number of potential strange attractors? If so, we may have a quantum mechanical description of the origins of strange attractors. Please let me know what you think of the following calculations, and the aforementioned idea. Am I completely off base here?

I have yet to hear from him (but you never know), but I do wonder if I am onto something here. Any thoughts?

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